Advanced config options


The 'code-execution' feature enables code execution during the generation of metadata, path, file_format, and dir_format.

All available placeholders can be used within these options, and the input for these choices will be transformed into an f-string for processing. As an example


Any Python code that produces a string as its output should work just fine in this context.


Before, 'custom' was transformed into a dictionary using Python's built-in JSON library.

While this approach remains an option, OF-Scraper now supports scripting within the 'custom' block, allowing for the inclusion of small scripts directly.

How it works

Use exec if you need to save a variable the keys should be executed in order

            if not isinstance(custom,dict)==True:
                try:return eval(custom)
                except:return custom
            for key,val in custom.items():

Each value in dictionary is ran through eval, meaning each value should be a statement that equals some value

You can access the calculated value via




It's crucial to note that when working with strings, the inner quotes hold significance because 'eval' interprets what's inside the quotes as code.

Therefore, maintaining the inner quotes is vital for accurate interpretation by 'eval'.

Changing const

You can change most const values with the custom dict as well


  • This is utilized to sign a request, essential for its authorization. Without this, the request would lack proper authorization and fail.

  • Generally, the options remain mostly identical. However, in rare instances, modifying these options might resolve certain issues with authentication


You can use --no-cache

or --no-cache-api

If your having major issues with cache

Options JSON SQLITE None (to disable)

The script uses DiskCache, which has different options like SQLite and JSON.

For most folks, SQLite works fine, but if you're on a network drive, its performance might not be great. That's when switching to JSON could be a smart move, according to the author


If set to False, each run will generate a new log. If set to True, logs will be combined into one file per day.


If set to true, text content will be sanitized before to database insertion into database


whether to show download progress bars or not

Disabling these can improve performance


If not set the the final download directory is used to hold temp files

This overrides the temporary directory used during download


You can disable the prompt for continuing the script with any arguments by setting the const value CONTINUE_BOOL = False

Sets the script to run in a infinite loop even when --action is used


  • dynamically sets after if enabled

    1. after is set to zero for the first run following that --after was used previously and has been removed in a future run

    2. dynamically sets after based on db status

  • if disabled after is is set based on --after only

    1. if --after is None, then after will be set as 0


Set value to None to disable calculating hash, False will calculate but not remove files

hashes are 128 bit and matched with file sizes to ensure uniqueness

If at least two files with identical hashes exist on the system, remove duplicate files identified by those hashes, keeping only one copy on the file system

ofscraper.main or main are the default built in key words for a list combining active and expired list or active are the default built in key words for active list

ofscraper.expired or expired are the default built in key words for expired list


If blank then ofscraper.main is used as setting

The default user list used during username scan


If blank then the black list option is disabled

The default black list used during username scan

Last updated